Contact Dr. Sanja

Speaking Engagements
Coaching- Mentoring / Consulting Services
Dr. Sanja has been featured as a speaker for many for-profit and nonprofit organizations and loves sharing her knowledge and expertise. Please complete the contact form below, and we will discuss how Dr. Sanja can best serve you.
Dr. Sanja provides one-on-one coaching/mentoring and group sessions in profit and nonprofit management, business and entrepreneurship start-up/training, and leadership development.
Various packages are available and geared to help you discover your greatest potential to help you begin to live the life you prefer.
Leadership Training
Nonprofit Training / Consultant
Dr. Sanja is a recognized leader and has received numerous awards in the profit/and nonprofit world.  She can assist you in gaining insight, provide strategies for your organization, marketplace ministry, churches, or personal development. Training is available both onsite and virtual.
Dr. Sanja has over 40 years, in managing both startup nonprofit or season nonprofit organizations.  She can assist with program development, staff training, including executive recruiting and hiring.  Contract us to discuss your nonprofit needs.
Please note your information is kept confidential and the Dr team will not sell or otherwise provide your information to any third party.
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